If you would like more information about UVSA, fill in the form below and submit it directly to the UVSA team.
1300 Piccard Drive, Suite LL-14
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301) 329-6850
Fax: (301) 990-9971
Email: uvsainfo@msp-amc.com
Executive Director/Secretary
Amy Kulp
Phone: 240-404-6482
Email: akulp@msp-amc.com
Member Services Coordinator
Murphy McLaughlin
Phone: 301-329-6850
Email: mmclaughlin@msp-amc.com
Meetings Manager
Morgan Prior
Phone: 240-404-6480
Email: mprior@msp-amc.com
Marketing Manager
Taylor Adelsperger
Phone: 240-404-6489
Email: tadelsperger@ MSP-AMC.com
Production Manager
Victoria Baltz
Phone: 240-801-3748
Email: vbaltz@MSP-AMC.com
Legal Counsel
Hugh Webster
Webster, Chamberlain & Bean, LLP
Phone: 202-785-9500
Email: hwebster@wc-b.com